Ting is the receptionist for Dr. Aliu-Berisha and Dr. Chan. She can be reached at 905-525-3501. Press 3.
Catherine is the receptionist for Dr. Gavranic, Dr. Hart, and Dr. Koziarski. She can be reached at 905-525-3501. Press 4.
Marjorie is the receptionist for Dr. Grafham and Dr. Guckian. She can be reached at 905-525-3501. Press prompt 5.
To cancel an appointment with Dr. Grafham, Dr. Guckian, Dr. Aliu-Berisha or Dr. Chan press 1
To cancel an appointment with Dr. Koziarski, Dr. Hart, or Dr Gavranic press 2
Please note we are closed between 12 pm and 1 pm for lunch.
To reach referrals press 7
To reach the business office press 6.
Please note, the business office is closed between 12pm and 1pm for lunch.
Karen is the nurse for Dr. Koziarski, Dr. Chan, and Dr. Guckian.
Chelsea is the nurse for Dr. Hart and Dr. Gavranic.
Kitty is the nurse for Dr. Grafham and Dr. Aliu-Berisha
Office manager Laurie can be reached at 905-525-3501 ext 134.