
Health Canada defines diabetes as:

“A chronic condition that stems from the body’s inability to sufficiently produce and/or properly use insulin which the body needs to use sugar as an energy source. Diabetes can lead to serious complications and premature death but those who have diabetes can take steps to control the disease and lower the risk of complications.”

Our Services

Your primary care provider and our certified diabetic educators will collaborate to manage your diabetic care with nutritional support, medication adjustments, insulin control and blood sugar guidance.

There are currently 3 certified diabetic educators on staff at King West Medical who will see you on an individual basis to achieve good diabetic control.

Shared medical appointments are open to all patients at King West Medical Associates with Diabetes. These appointments do all those things that are part of your usual diabetes visit, however, the difference is that we are in a group of approximately 8 patients, with a physician and a certified diabetic educator. This group visit is for 2 hours. We all learn about diabetes together by sharing our experiences. The clinicians have the unique opportunity to provide greater education in a more efficient manner. Please inquire with our staff if you are interested in participating in a shared medical appointment.

King West Medical

King West Medical Associates is a family medical practice in the city of Hamilton, Ontario.

In the case of an emergency, always call 911.

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